

All artists should read and understand the following when joining Hashtag Talent Agency.


For the purpose of this agreement, the following industry abbreviations will apply:

‘Agency’ means Hashtag Talent Agency

‘Artiste’ covers anyone we represent, actor, child, family, creative etc

‘Booking’ means any job or assignments including but not limited to photographic, commercials, video, film, TV production, events on which a person has been booked.

‘Client’ means the person or company named on the booking confirmation for whom Hashtag has agreed to provide artistes.

These terms, constitute an agreement between 'Hashtag Talent Agency' and yourself 'artiste' and they govern all bookings undertaken by you. The bookings will concern the provision of (filming assignments, promotional services, acting, performing, presenting, modelling or TV extra work).

These terms will be deemed to have been accepted by you each time you accept a booking with Hashtag Talent Agency.

For avoidance of doubt, nothing in these terms shall render you an employee of the agency or the client.

You are engaged as a self-employed worker. No variation or alteration of these terms shall be valid during the performance of any booking unless approved by both parties in writing. We reserve the right to vary the terms of any booking without liability by prior notice in writing.


Hashtag Talent Agency will submit all artists suitable for any briefs and add this to their database.  On occasion if the database is ‘down’ there may be times when this is not updated, and Hashtag Talent Agency can not be held accountable.


1. Hashtag Talent Agency will contact the artiste – by email, text or phone call to let them know they have a self-tape or casting.  It is the artiste’s responsibility to check emails including spam and reply to let Hashtag Talent Agency know they have read and can tape or attend the casting.

2.Self-tapes should be professional and named and returned by the deadline given in the email and on the database.

3.It is the artiste’s responsibility to get themselves to a casting in plenty of time, be prepared and give their best.  Hashtag Talent Agency is not responsible for any travel expenses unless casting has specified to us in advance.

4.Hashtag Talent Agency have a three-strike rule – if without good reason the artiste fails to do a self-tape or attend a casting three times Hashtag Talent Agency has the right to remove the artiste from their books.

5. Hashtag Talent Agency has the right to immediately remove an artiste from their books for any defamatory behaviour.


1. The booking which has been accepted by yourself 'artiste' through your agency 'Hashtag Talent Agency' must then be fulfilled through Hashtag Talent Agency. Any further bookings relating to the original must also be fulfilled through Hashtag Talent Agency. The artiste will be liable to pay all Hashtag Talent Agency losses in respect of the original booking if not.

2.The artiste undertakes not at any time in the future to contact in anyway whatsoever any clients introduced to them through Hashtag Talent Agency in any capacity whatsoever without the written consent of Hashtag Talent Agency.

3. Once accepting a booking, the artiste is liable to fulfil this contract. Hashtag Talent Agency will supply the ‘best of their knowledge’ booking details by e-mail and then the full job details at the earliest possible moment. Each contract applies to any one offer only, as every booking is different.

4. Provisional bookings - If the artiste has agreed to keep a date free for a particular client, it is their responsibility to inform the agency if their availability changes at any point.


1. It is the responsibility of the artiste to update Hashtag Talent Agency with any unavailability.  This can be via an email and also added to our database.

2. The artiste shall be liable for any extras costs that have been incurred by Hashtag Talent Agency due to a cancellation and it will be the at the agency’s discretion should they want to remove you from their books.

3. It is the Artiste’s responsibility to be available for the duration of the booking and understand that due to the nature of the work there is a possibility overtime may be incurred.


1. Hashtag Talent Agency will invoice the client on the artists behalf and deal will all aspects of the payment.

2. The artiste gives Hashtag Talent Agency the authority to receive any money on their behalf.

3. Hashtag Talent Agency will pay the artiste within 10 working days of the funds being received from the client.

4. Hashtag Talent Agency is not obligated to pay artiste fees prior to the payment from the client, the client may take an indefinite period to pay, it is requested that they comply with our terms of 30 days.  Normally, this is within 30-60 days.

5. Whilst potential clients are believed to be reputable and credit worthy, the agency does not guarantee and is not responsible for the payment of artiste fees and expenses in relation to such engagements. The artiste agrees that the agency shall not be liable to the artiste should any engagement prove unsatisfactory.

6. The artiste is working for Hashtag Talent Agency and their client on a self-employed basis and is personally responsible for the payment of income tax and National Insurance contributions. The agency will not be liable for any artiste’s failure to complete any of the above.


1.Where possible the artiste will be notified in writing (by e-mail) the rate of pay for each possible booking. Depending on the production there may be a day rate and a buyout.

2.The buyout is only payable if featured and cannot be guaranteed until the production is shown

3. Hashtag Talent agency will not be liable if the client does not maintain the rates of pay but as your agency, they will do their best to ensure this never happens.

4. The artiste gives Hashtag Talent Agency the right to re-negotiate if necessary, with the client, possibly variations in the rate may be due to dissatisfaction and the artiste will be notified.

5. Bookings from clients based overseas may carry variations in the rate due to currency fluctuations, these will be carried forward to the payment received by the artiste.

6. Hashtag Talent Agency must pay the artiste directly, be it the child or family member.  Hashtag Talent Agency can not pay into the parent account on behalf of the child.


1. Artistes aged 20 and under all bookings except theatre: the fee negotiated by the agent is the artists fee from which the agency commission will be deducted at 25% of the invoice total. Any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate.

2. Artistes aged 21+ all bookings except theatre: the fee negotiated by the agent is the artists fee from which the agency commission will be deducted at 20% of the invoice total. Any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate.

3. Stage: the fee negotiated by the agent is the artists fee from which the agency commission will be deducted at 15% of the invoice total. Any agreed expenses will be added where appropriate.

4. Hashtag Talent Agency take a one off £50 from any artistes first paid job, including any family members or friends on the shoot booked through Hashtag Talent Agency.

5. The artiste is aware that during the period of agreement and thereafter (in perpetuity), all fees arising from contracts including renewed and/or re-negotiated contracts originally arranged by the agency shall continue to be receivable by the agency who will pay the artiste their fees in accordance with the terms above.


Hashtag Talent Agency will not accept responsibility or accept liability for any loss costs claims or proceedings incurred by an artiste to either persons or property at any time while working, travelling to or from or in connection with any assignment whatsoever.


Hashtag Talent Agency is not liable for any costs claims proceedings or losses due to the cancellation of an assignment, we have a cancellation policy in place with all of our clients so when a cancellation fee is secured the artiste will receive this.


It is the artiste’s responsibility.

1. To ensure that the booking is fulfilled to the clients order and satisfaction

2. To be punctual for the booking

3. To possess the specified wardrobe and accessories

4. To ensure that the assignment is fulfilled as specified in the job details

5. Parents or legal guardians must make themselves available to chaperone and check on timings and look after the health and safety of their child while on set. This applies to any artiste in licence or if aged 16 to 18 and has a duty of care.

6. Should a parent or legal guardian not be available Hashtag Talent Agency can provide a licensed chaperone with given notice. Parents and legal guardians also need to be aware that sometimes they will only be needed to drop and collect their child when a licensed chaperone(s) through production is appointed.


The artiste is exclusively represented by the agency while on their books.


All images and details reproduced in association with the agency are supplied by the artiste with their full permission and consent. The artiste is solely responsible for obtaining all the necessary copyright permits to reproduce their images.


The artiste can terminate their representation with the agency at any time, giving at least 7 days’ notice. The artiste must write to Hashtag Talent Agency to ask for their details to be removed from the agency books and this will be actioned. The artiste must fulfil any obligations that they have committed to before they resign.


Any person registering with Hashtag Talent Agency for work is deemed to do so in agreement of the above terms and conditions.